COVID-19 Update
Status 05/09/2020
The current Stay-At-Home order has been adjusted for the construction branch. We are going to be following the guidance provided here and will see to ensure that our workers are all fully briefed at least weekly and following the regulations. We will be providing the additional PPE equipment required by OSHA.
Phased approach Standards:
OSHA Worker Exposure Risk Levels:
OSHA Prevent Worker Exposure:
OSHA Preparing the Workplaces for COVID-19:
L&I Workplace Safety Guide:
L&I General Ideas for COVID-19 Prevention:
CDC recommended Masks/Clothmasks:
Please be aware that WE ARE OPENING UNDER LIMITED CAPABILITIES AND UNDER THE CONDITION THAT EVERYONE IS HEALTHY. If any of our workers or owners display signs of sickness, the company WILL shut down again to self-quarantine for 14 days because at that time we could all be affected. We will notify the clients we have been in contact with by then if any.
We appreciate everyone's understanding and support during these trying times and hope you are all staying home and healthy!